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02 October 2024

𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬

In the business world, where the pressure for results is immense and ever-changing market conditions pose increasing challenges, the role of a leader becomes crucial. However, being an effective leader is not just about managing projects and resources but, above all, about understanding and managing emotions – both your own and those of your team. It is emotional intelligence (EI) that distinguishes an average manager from an outstanding leader.


Why is Emotional Intelligence Key?


Research shows that emotional intelligence has a significant impact on work efficiency and business outcomes. According to a study conducted by Harvard Business Review, leaders with high levels of emotional intelligence increase team effectiveness by 20%, and companies where leaders exhibit high EI report 37% greater employee satisfaction and 22% higher profits.

In reality, emotions are a key component in decision-making. As research suggests, "in business, you cannot make decisions without emotions because decisions are closely tied to what you care about." Your ability to recognize and manage emotions, both your own and those of your team members, can be the key to your company's success.


Emotions in Teams: Impact on Success


You may have noticed that in some teams, task conflicts can lead to better results, while emotional conflicts often paralyze team actions. Emotional intelligence allows you not only to recognize employees' emotions but also to manage them, which is crucial in conflict resolution.

A study published by Google as part of the "Aristotle" project, aimed at identifying what makes teams effective, showed that the biggest predictor of team success is "collective social sensitivity" – the ability of team members to recognize and respond to the subtle emotional cues of others.

Think about your team – do your team members notice when someone is stressed, discouraged, or excited? As a leader, do you ensure that these emotions are properly managed? When teams are aware of emotions, they collaborate better and achieve better results.


Practical Applications: Companies Utilizing EI


Google and Amazon are excellent examples of companies that have understood the importance of emotional intelligence. At Google, as part of the previously mentioned "Aristotle" project, it was found that the teams that achieve the best results are those whose members have high levels of social sensitivity and empathy. Meanwhile, Amazon, while developing its voice assistant Alexa, discovered that adding pauses and breaths to Alexa's voice responses made users feel more attached to the device, leading to increased engagement and sales.

It is worth noting that more and more companies are investing in developing EI in their leaders. Johnson & Johnson conducted internal research, which showed that leaders with higher levels of emotional intelligence outperformed their peers financially by 15-20%. At PepsiCo, leaders who scored high on emotional intelligence assessments generated 10% higher profits than other managers.


Managing Conflicts and Building Organizational Culture


One of the most important aspects of emotional intelligence is the ability to manage conflicts within the team. Research indicates that 75% of managers admit that emotional conflicts in teams negatively affect work results, but only 28% take steps to effectively resolve them.

When resolving conflicts, you should focus not only on task issues but also on managing emotions. This will help you build an atmosphere of trust and cooperation, which is crucial for long-term success. Leaders with high EI create a culture where emotions are not suppressed but are considered a natural part of work.


Open communication and understanding emotions can bring real benefits to the workplace. In companies like Microsoft, developing emotional skills in managers has become an integral part of leadership development programs. As a result, they observed 25% lower employee turnover and 35% greater team engagement.


How to Develop Your Emotional Intelligence?


The development of EI starts with self-awareness. Do you know what emotions dominate your daily work? Can you recognize the moments when your emotions affect your decision-making? If you're unsure, it's worth starting with a simple emotional intelligence test that will help you identify areas to work on.


Self-awareness is the first step to building stronger relationships and better managing your team. However, as highlighted in the document, "the key to development is openness to feedback and willingness to work on yourself." Start by regularly reflecting on your emotions and how they influence your decisions. Think about how your emotions might be perceived by others and what actions you can take to manage them better.


Practical Tools: What Techniques Can Help You Develop?


There are many tools to help you develop emotional intelligence. These include using team feedback and mindfulness exercises, which increase self-awareness and the ability to manage emotions in difficult situations. Regular mindfulness practice can help you cope better with stress, and improve creativity and innovation in decision-making.


Mindfulness meditation is increasingly used by leaders around the world. Research shows that regular meditation practice can improve focus, increase cognitive flexibility, and enhance emotional management skills. At Aetna, implementing mindfulness programs led to a 7% reduction in employee healthcare costs and a productivity increase of 62 minutes per employee per day.


You Are the Key to Your Team’s Success!


Emotional intelligence is one of the key elements of effective leadership in today's business world. Developing EI not only allows you to manage yourself and your team better but also to build stronger relationships, make wiser decisions, and achieve better business results. As a leader, continue to invest in developing your emotional skills, learn from mistakes, be empathetic, and build a team based on trust and cooperation.


Invest in Yourself and Develop Your Emotional Intelligence!


To better manage your emotions and lead your team more effectively, it's worth starting with an emotional intelligence test. This will help you identify areas where you can improve and consciously develop your leadership skills. Take a free online emotional intelligence test at Mind Tools and begin your journey toward better leadership.


Take advantage of ProfBoost's training in emotional intelligence for managers in your organization. It will help develop skills in managing emotions, effective communication, and stress resilience, which will translate into better team performance. Invest in the development of your leaders to create a strong organizational culture based on empathy, trust, and effective collaboration.

