Advisor I Mentor

Sparring partner



My Offer

Are you wondering how to create solid foundations for your company, set the right direction, and how to best use your resources to achieve success? 


Or maybe you are in a situation where the current strategy does not bring the expected results, your goals are not being achieved, and at the same time the competition is growing stronger? 


Perhaps you are facing the challenge of how to ensure that your employees fully identify with the assumptions of the mission and vision, and that the expected values ​​and behaviours are fully reflected in their commitment?  


As an experienced advisor, consultant and facilitator, I will support you and your team in taking on these or similar challenges. Based on many years of experience in creating winning strategies, together with your team, I will create solid foundations for your company. Together, we will carry out the process of analysing the current state, identify the most important opportunities and risks, and design a new, effective strategy. Then I will support you in implementing it and creating tools and mechanisms to ensure the achievement of the expected results in the coming years. Finally, we will develop a communication plan to ensure understanding and identification with the new strategy among your company's employees.



Proposed actions:

  • Analysis of the environment and resources, identifying potential and directions for action

  • Creating or updating the foundations: mission, vision, values, code of conduct

  • Designing a new strategy or updating an existing document

  • Developing tools and key performance indicators (KPIs) to support strategy implementation

  • Creating a communication plan for the new strategy internally and externally

  • Support during the implementation phase, monitoring progress

  • Other in response to current needs and after agreeing on the scope


The strategy prepared and implemented in collaboration with ProfBoost serves as a solid foundation for your organisation for the years to come. It enables your company to effectively compete in the market and achieve the best financial results, strengthens employee identification with the company's direction, and ensures their full engagement.

Winning Strategy

"The loneliness at the top" is a statement increasingly heard among individuals holding top positions in companies. Often as CEOs, management executives, or business owners, we feel a sense of isolation, believing that no one understands the unique challenges we face while running a company or managing an organization or a large team of employees. Even our closest associates, partners, children, or subordinates may not be aware of this. If you resonate with these feelings, you are not alone.


A survey conducted among CEOs revealed that half of them experience loneliness, and out of this number, 6 out of 10 believe it hinders them in performing their duties.

One of the predominant issues we face as business leaders is the lack of someone to talk to about the problems in our companies and our personal concerns. Someone who will be there to help us tackle the toughest challenges, provide support, and inspire us. A fantastic solution to this situation is having a sparing partner.


Difficult questions, unexpected objections, and surprising suggestions are excellent ways to consider a path of action other than the seemingly obvious one. Verbal sparing with an experienced partner will take you out of your comfort zone, shed new light on alternative solutions, and sharpen your reactions. A professional sparing partner will help you leverage your strengths and identify areas for further improvement.


As your sparing partner, I will be your thought exchange partner, someone who will listen to you, with whom you can consult on crucial issues, and who will share practical experience as a CEO. However, I will always remain in the shadows. You know your company best, the circumstances, and the possibilities. You have the resources to understand your context and how to achieve your goals. You will be the best judge of which insights emerged from our sparing process are feasible, practical, and effective.


The key benefits you will gain from sparring with me.

  • Emotional Support - I will help you cope with the pressure and stress associated with managing your business by sharing an independent opinion and practical experience gained in similar circumstances.

  • External Perspective - I will provide fresh insights into the problems and challenges you face, remaining neutral and impartial as I will not be involved in your company.

  • Personal Development - I will share my own experiences with you, encourage you to look at your issues differently, and invite you to reflect on your actions and decisions.

  • Business Development - According to your preferences, I will assist you in addressing current challenges such as developing a business strategy or identifying new opportunities and solutions for your company, contributing to better results and the growth of your business.

  • Better Decision-Making - I will help you make better-informed and more accurate decisions by critically analysing problems and offering diverse perspectives.

  • Meeting Preparation - I will support you in preparing for important public appearances, corporate presentations, board meetings, and more, serving as your sparing partner and personal reviewer.

  • Expanding Your Network - I will assist you in establishing new business and personal contacts by leveraging my professional network.



CEO sparring with ProfBoost is a solution designed for the most demanding leaders at the highest level of management. By choosing my offer, you gain much more than just a trusted partner, listener, conversationalist, and advisor. I will assist you in your personal and business development, prepare you for key meetings and presentations while ensuring the highest business standards and maintaining full confidentiality.

CEO sparring

In the dynamic world of business, where changes occur before our eyes every day and competition is constantly growing, the importance of proper human resource development within an organization becomes crucial. People form the foundation of every company; their skills, knowledge, and commitment directly impact the results and success of the organization. However, in order to meet the constantly evolving demands of the business world, employees must be constantly prepared to improve and develop their skillset.


The challenges posed by the modern business world are numerous and often require individualised approaches and support. In this context, business mentoring becomes an invaluable tool that enables the transfer of knowledge, experience, and assistance between experienced leaders and younger employees or individuals looking to advance professionally.


Business mentoring is not only an investment in the development of individuals but also in the development of the organisation as a whole. Through well-conducted mentoring, companies can build stronger and more efficient teams, increase employee engagement, and achieve better business results.


As an experienced and well-prepared mentor for this role, I will provide support to the employees of your company in their personal and professional development processes. I will assist both mature managers in decision-making processes, seeking alternative paths to achieve their goals, and coping with daily challenges, as well as members of your team who would like to benefit from the experience of a business practitioner to build the necessary competencies in their current position or take the next step in their career.


The mentoring support offered by ProfBoost brings the best results and proves effective in various situations and needs within the organization, such as::  

  • CEOs and managers in the early stages of their tenure, facing the challenges of their new roles.
  • Managers seeking new challenges (promotion, change in responsibilities, new team).
  • "Stuck" managers in need of a push or motivation to step up their game.
  • Managers struggling to accomplish tasks, in need of motivation and support to improve their effectiveness in their current positions.

Business mentoring with ProfBoost is an investment that will quickly pay off in the form of additional knowledge, greater self-confidence, commitment, energy, and motivation for both you and your employees.

Business Mentoring

Changing the organisation towards customer orientation, focusing on best meeting their expectations, brings not only tangible benefits such as revenue stability, higher profitability, improved productivity, and fewer complaints, but also, perhaps above all, a different way of thinking and conducting business, a complete change in organisational culture, and value system.


Companies with a customer-centric organisational culture are characterised by an almost obsessive focus on providing exceptional experiences in their interactions with the organisation and the best service. The customer is a key element of the vision and strategy, with all processes and resources focused on meeting their needs. As a result, customer-oriented companies achieve significantly greater success in their markets, build long-term competitive advantages, enjoy the loyalty of their business partners and long-term relationships with them, improve the perception of their brands, and ultimately create teams of engaged and united employees around a common goal.


However, changing the organisational culture towards customer orientation is not an easy process and requires a clearly defined vision, a proven action plan, and the commitment and determination of the entire company.


As a proven CX practitioner, I will lead this process with your team and ensure that your company has "customer" in its DNA. Together, we will develop and implement a vision of a customer-oriented organization, a communication plan, and supporting tools. I will also conduct a series of training sessions for you to solidify the customer-centric organisation model, strengthening employee engagement and motivation.



Proposed actions:

  • Audit of the current customer-centric culture of the organisation and perception of the company by customers

  • Facilitation of the process of creating a vision for a customer-oriented organisation

  • Development of a set of KPI goals

  • Creation of a communication plan and its implementation throughout the organisation

  • Preparation of tools for the recruitment process

  • Development and execution of targeted training plans

  • Preparation of a set of sustaining actions and supervision of their implementation (optional)

Take advantage of ProfBoost's assistance and lead the transformation of your organisational culture towards customer-centricity, creating a company that will be esteemed in the market, fostering excellent relationships with your business partners, achieving spectacular financial results, and filling you and your dedicated employees with pride.

Customer Centric Organization

An effective sales organization is a critical element of long-term success, serving as the driving force of the entire company and playing a fundamental role in achieving strategic and financial goals. Clear vision and objectives, a competent team structure, well-defined work standards, optimized processes, and appropriately designed incentive systems are the key components of a modern sales organization. These elements are crucial for achieving financial targets, competing effectively, and increasing market share.


At the same time, the rapidly changing external conditions, customer expectations, and available new technologies mean that even organisations with well-designed structures, processes, and sales tools must continuously update and adapt to market and customer requirements. Failure to recognize this or take timely action will result in untapped market potential and underutilized company resources. Not meeting targets will lead to demotivation within sales teams and high turnover.


Therefore, it is essential to continuously monitor and ensure that the current sales organisation is appropriately aligned with market needs and serves the company's best interests.


As an experienced sales advisor and consultant, I am ready to help you and your company develop and implement a new model of an effective sales organisation or update the existing one, ensuring your company can achieve its primary objectives in the future. Based on an analysis of the external environment and your resources, I will design and help implement a new structure and sales process that will secure the acquisition of the largest possible group of customers, build long-term relationships with them, improve sales profitability, and increase the efficiency of your resources. I will propose the best incentive system that optimally serves the company's goals for the sales team and supporting departments, and I will design a cycle of training and supporting activities.



Proposed actions:

  • Audit of the current organisation, work tools, and incentive systems

  • Evaluation of performance within the sales department and collaboration with supporting departments

  • Design of a new sales structure

  • Creation or updating of key performance indicators (KPIs)

  • Development of incentive systems to support goal achievement

  • Preparation of individualised development plans for each member of the sales team and providing support as needed (Mentoring offer)

A successful sales organization designed and implemented with the support of ProfBoost is a tailor-made solution that serves to achieve your market ambitions and plans, while also ensuring the optimal utilisation of your organisation's latent potential and capabilities.

Effective sales organisation

Are you facing a significant challenge that you don't quite know how to tackle it? Or do you need to consult your decisions and viewpoints with someone experienced and independent of your company's internal dynamics?


As an experienced leader, manager, consultant, and advisor, I am ready to stand by your side and support you in overcoming the toughest challenges. Whether you have doubts about business strategy, team management, or wish to enhance your leadership skills, I can help.


I ensure full commitment and professionalism in every project I undertake. Together, we can set priorities and goals, then develop a personalised action plan that meets your needs and objectives.


Don't hesitate to reach out to me. Together, we can find the best solutions and create solid foundations for your personal and business development.


Your business and personal challenges