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09 July 2024

Inspiring Communication as a Key Competence of the Modern Leader

The vast majority of today's business and political leaders are fully aware that inspiring communication is essential to persuade others, gain supporters for their ideas, engage them in the cause, and ultimately achieve their intended goals. Moreover, a leader's success, regardless of the field, is entirely dependent on how well they communicate their intentions. Even the best-crafted plan with all the resources and help from the best experts will fail if the leader cannot convince others and "infect" them with their vision.


It is even more surprising that despite the awareness of the importance of inspiring communication, so little attention is paid to it by leaders. So few have mastered the skill of delivering a motivating message to their colleagues and listeners. Furthermore, research has confirmed a significant gap in the perception of inspiring communication between the leaders themselves and their followers. The vast majority of leaders (about 80%) rate themselves as very or at least inspiring, while only half of their listeners see their leader as captivating and motivating to action. Almost everyone could provide examples from their own lives of supervisors or managers that illustrate this lack of consistency.


Hence, mastering the skill of delivering an inspiring message to their organizations and employees is undoubtedly one of the key competencies for leaders today.


When thinking of an inspiring leader, we often envision Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Winston Churchill, or Gandhi – remarkable statesmen, outstanding politicians, and admirable orators. Their historical speeches changed the contemporary reality, influencing the fate of the world and holding undeniable significance. However, a leader's inspiring communication should not be equated solely with the eloquence of grand speeches and the charisma of the leader. There is a significant difference between being perceived as inspiring and making others feel inspired. The goal of inspiring communication is to make others believe in the presented idea, believe in themselves, and achieve more together than they thought possible.


The question remains: is being an inspiring leader a matter of innate predisposition and natural talent, or is it a skill that can be acquired?


In my opinion, inspiring communication is a skill that can be learned and even mastered to a great extent, allowing for success in interpersonal relationships. This does not mean, of course, that everyone can be an excellent speaker, captivating the masses and evoking extreme emotions. Although helpful, it is not necessary to be an effective, inspiring leader. Equally, if not more important, is the ability to listen with the intent to understand and show interest in what others have to say. After all, we are not looking for "fireworks" but for sustaining motivation and engagement in others to achieve intended, common goals.


Mastering the skill of inspiring communication is neither an easy nor a quick process. It can be said that it is a never-ending learning journey, a continuous pursuit of perfection. On the path to success, it is worth considering several (9) main principles, whose application will significantly increase the chance of achieving the intended goal – inspiring and motivating others.


In your communication:


  • Be authentic in your message; you must believe in what you say to build trust.
  • Learn to speak inspiringly about the future: your goal, vision, values, to promote appropriate behaviors and engagement among employees.
  • Include references to the external world and key relationships, such as with customers, which are crucial for the organization.
  • Reach as many recipients as possible at all levels in the organization, as often as possible.
  • Master the art of storytelling to illustrate and reinforce your message.
  • Listen attentively to hear and understand the other person's message. Ask questions to clarify and learn more.
  • Be aware of te non-verbal signals you send. Be consistent in your message.
  • Know your audience well, the public that is the recipient of your message.
  • Prepare for each speech – continuously strive to be a better leader-speaker.

Being an inspiring leader is a crucial competence for organizational managers in a world where the value systems of new generations of employees are changing and the external environment is evolving ever more dynamically. Today's business leader, seeking success, must be able to inspire, motivate, and engage their teams to achieve successes and fulfill set goals. It is a significant effort and a considerable responsibility, and for leaders accustomed to managing through delegation and goal realization, it can be quite a challenge. The good news is that inspiring communication is no longer reserved for a few natural speakers and charismatic leaders. It is a skill that can be definitely learned, and by consciously applying its basic principles and consistently practicing them daily, it can be mastered to a high degree.

